Upcoming Events

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  • Windmill Gardens : Riverside Farm

    Every Sat & Sun 9-1 April - June. Come enjoy a coffee while perusing th bet hanging baskets in the game at: 8217 Riverside Dr. E Sumer WA 98390 Riverside Farm
  • Rhubarb Days

    Sat & Sun June 22nd & June 23rd. We’ll be serving cold brew next to the live music celebrating Sumnertown USA! Rhubarb Days
  • Townie Fest @ Farm 12

    Sun July 14th 5-8pm. Come listen to the area’s best dad rock while sipping on a cold brew I the sun! Farm 12
  • Blueberry Fest 2024

    Sat August 17th 6-9pm. Come kick it at Vinyl HQ for a tradition of peace, love & blueberries IYKYK

 Hire us for your event:

Weddings, corporate events, family reunions: we will take our espresso cart to you! We charge $600 for the first 2 hours of any event, during which time we are capable of making up to 100 drinks for your guests. If you have any questions or an event coming up, contact us at