Vinyl Coffee Roasters started during the COVID lockdowns of 2020. Founded by two friends, Michael Hochstatter and Andy Brooks, who had developed their partnership while managing a coffee shop in Sumner, Washington. Michael and Andy would save their tip money to hit the record store together once they got off shift.

When the COVID pandemic hit and coffee shops were forced to close their doors, Michael and Andy decided to combine their love of coffee and records to start Vinyl Coffee Roasters. Coffee orders were placed online, then roasted fresh while spinning their favorite records, and delivered locally via moped to doorsteps all over The Valley.

Today, Vinyl Coffee Roasters has grown to roast specialty coffee for subscribers all over the country, and provides freshly roasted wholesale coffee for shops and stores all around the Pacific Northwest. Music and vinyl records continue to play a big role in the company, with classic albums inspiring the label designs on coffee bags and music being broadcast 24/7 on Vinyl Coffee Radio (listen here).